SonicBee obtains ‘Cybersecurity Made in Europe’ label

Our portfolio company SonicBee has obtained the ‘Cybersecurity Made in Europe’ label from European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO). The label raises awareness of the strategic value of cybersecurity companies from Europe and develop their activities based on European values. The certificate demonstrates SonicBee’s compliance with this. For the full press release, please click here.

Eye Security raises €17 million in follow-on round led by Bessemer Venture Partners

Our Dutch portfolio company Eye Security has raised €17 million in a follow-on round led by global venture capital firm Bessemer Venture Partners. Eye Security is a subscription-based cybersecurity and insurtech company that offers a high-quality, affordable all-in-one security product with active 24/7 protection and cyber insurance. For the full press release, please click here.

TIIN Capital joins € 7.7 million Series A round in Portuguese cybersecurity startup Probely

TIIN Capital has joined the € 7.7 million Series A round, led by Iberis Capital and Semapa Next, in cybersecurity startup Probely. The Portuguese company has developed a solution that identifies vulnerabilities in websites, applications and APIs in an automated way. The investment underlines the ambition of TIIN Capital to actively support European cybersecurity companies…

TIIN Capital verkoopt commodity software leverancier DycoTrade

  Op 7 oktober 2021 verkocht TIIN TechFund 2 haar belang in commodity software leverancier Dycotrade aan investeringsmaatschappij Quadrum Capital. Dycotrade heeft zich sinds de Management Buy-out in 2013 met behulp van TIIN Capital kunnen ontwikkelen tot een wereldwijd opererend, volwassen bedrijf met bijna 70 medewerkers in dienst.  In deze periode is de ‘on premise’…

SendCloud haalt € 150 miljoen op

Europa’s #1 verzendplatform voor e-commerce, SendCloud (, heeft € 150 miljoen opgehaald in een Series C-financieringsronde. De ronde werd geleid door Softbank Vision Fund 2. SendCloud is sinds 2016 een investering van TIIN TechFund 3. De door SendCloud opgehaalde funding zal door het bedrijf worden ingezet om het team uit te breiden en de internationale…